Teenage girl in China said to sell virginity for iPhone 4

Word has been going around that a teenage girl in China has put up her virginity for sale, as long as someone can help her get an iPhone 4 (a new one, of course) in exchange. It seemed as though this girl decided on Weibo as her “advertising” vehicle of choice, which is a Chinese microblogging service that is not too different from Twitter. The reason behind this? To own an iPhone 4 after her father refused to get one for her.

Sources say that the girl did put up a (non-nude) photo of herself on Weibo in addition to additional personal information, and she has mostly received brickbats to her request since an iPhone 4 is not worth the trade – while others felt (or rather, joked) that she should hold out for an iPhone 5 which is on its way soon.

Interestingly enough, you don’t read about folks doing crazy stuff for an Android-powered device. What does this say? Android owners are more level headed, or has Apple’s marketing juggernaut done too good a job to make their offerings desirable beyond comprehension?