Android tablets haven't really performed very well since their inception. Honeycomb has helped a little bit, but different people want different form factors, and that operating system has, until recently, required a 10-inch screen to operate.
That fact might've contributed to a little market share report that was just released. Today, comScore reported that Android tablets only make up a very minuscule 2.7% of the US tablet market running any operating system but any variant of Windows or any distro of Linux. That's gotta be a huge letdown for Google and its partners, who have so obviously poured a lot of effort into making iPad competitors.
In fact, with numbers like this, is it out of my mind to ask if Apple's competitors (and Google's partners) might leave the Android ecosystem to go to some other platform; i.e., Windows 8? No company is invincible, and Google is no different, especially in the mobile industry. I guess we'll see what happens over the course of this year.
[Android Police]