Nokia's N950 splayed by FCC, 12-megapixel camera lurking within
Our friends over at the FCC have somehow both scored and already torn asunder Nokia's new flagship MeeGo development phone.
Slicing and dicing Espoo's latest confirms the watered-down N9 specs we'd previously heard about, except for one: a 12-megapixel camera.
An intriguing addition, as the N950's official specs list an 8-megapixel shooter, which the Finnish firm touted as 'different' than the unit in its brother.
Perhaps different means the additional 4-megapixels we spotted earlier this year? Sure, last minute component changes aren't unheard of,
but if you ever manage to convince the Finns to throw one your way, do us a favor and let us know what it's packing. Ok?